Source code for Cell_BLAST.directi

DIRECTi, an deep learning model for semi-supervised parametric dimension
reduction and systematical bias removal, extended from scVI.

import os
import tempfile
import time
import typing
from collections import OrderedDict

import anndata as ad
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy
import torch
import torch.distributions as D
from torch import nn
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter

from . import config, data, latent, prob, rmbatch, utils
from .config import DEVICE
from .rebuild import RMSprop

_TRAIN = 1
_TEST = 0

[docs]class DIRECTi(nn.Module): r""" DIRECTi model. Parameters ---------- genes Genes to use in the model. latent_module Module for latent variable (encoder module). prob_module Module for data generative modeling (decoder module). batch_effect Batch effects need to be corrected. rmbatch_modules List of modules for batch effect correction. denoising Whether to add noise to the input during training (source of randomness in modeling the approximate posterior). learning_rate Learning rate. path Specifies a path where model configuration, checkpoints, as well as the final model will be saved. random_seed Random seed. If not specified, :data:`config.RANDOM_SEED` will be used, which defaults to 0. Attributes ---------- genes List of gene names the model is defined and fitted on batch_effect_list List of batch effect names need to be corrected. Examples -------- The :func:`fit_DIRECTi` function offers an easy to use wrapper of this :class:`DIRECTi` model class, which is the preferred API and should satisfy most needs. We suggest using the :func:`fit_DIRECTi` wrapper first. """ _TRAIN = 1 _TEST = 0 def __init__( self, genes: typing.List[str], latent_module: "latent.Latent", prob_module: "prob.ProbModel", rmbatch_modules: typing.Tuple["rmbatch.RMBatch"], denoising: bool = True, learning_rate: float = 1e-3, path: typing.Optional[str] = None, random_seed: int = config._USE_GLOBAL, _mode: int = _TRAIN, ) -> None: super().__init__() if path is None: path = tempfile.mkdtemp() random_seed = ( config.RANDOM_SEED if random_seed == config._USE_GLOBAL else random_seed ) self.ensure_reproducibility(random_seed) self.genes = genes self.latent_module = latent_module self.prob_module = prob_module self.rmbatch_modules = rmbatch_modules self.denoising = denoising self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.path = path self.random_seed = random_seed self._mode = _mode self.opt_latent_reg = RMSprop( self.latent_module.parameters_reg(), lr=learning_rate ) self.opt_latent_fit = RMSprop( self.latent_module.parameters_fit(), lr=learning_rate ) self.opt_prob = RMSprop(self.prob_module.parameters(), lr=learning_rate) self.opts_rmbatch = [ RMSprop(_rmbatch.parameters(), lr=learning_rate) if _rmbatch._class in ("Adversarial", "MNNAdversarial", "AdaptiveMNNAdversarial") else None for _rmbatch in self.rmbatch_modules ] @staticmethod def ensure_reproducibility(random_seed): np.random.seed(random_seed) torch.manual_seed(random_seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(random_seed) def get_config(self) -> typing.Mapping: return { "genes": self.genes, "latent_module": self.latent_module.get_config(), "prob_module": self.prob_module.get_config(), "rmbatch_modules": [ _module.get_config() for _module in self.rmbatch_modules ], "denoising": self.denoising, "learning_rate": self.learning_rate, "path": self.path, "random_seed": self.random_seed, "_mode": self._mode, } @staticmethod def preprocess( x: torch.Tensor, libs: torch.Tensor, noisy: bool = True ) -> torch.Tensor: x = x / (libs / 10000) if noisy: x = D.Poisson(rate=x).sample() x = x.log1p() return x def fit( self, dataset: data.Dataset, batch_size: int = 128, val_split: float = 0.1, epoch: int = 1000, patience: int = 30, tolerance: float = 0.0, progress_bar: bool = False, ): os.makedirs(self.path, exist_ok=True)"Using model path: %s", self.path) val_size = int(len(dataset) * val_split) train_size = len(dataset) - val_size train_dataset, val_dataset = dataset, [train_size, val_size], generator=torch.Generator().manual_seed(self.random_seed), ) train_dataloader = train_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, drop_last=True, generator=torch.Generator().manual_seed(self.random_seed), ) val_dataloader = val_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, generator=torch.Generator().manual_seed(self.random_seed), ) assert self._mode == _TRAIN self.ensure_reproducibility(self.random_seed) self.save_weights(self.path) self.latent_module.check_fine_tune() self.prob_module.check_fine_tune() patience_remain = patience best_loss = 1e10 summarywriter = SummaryWriter(log_dir=os.path.join(self.path, "summary")) for _epoch in range(epoch): start_time = time.time() if progress_bar: train_dataloader = utils.smart_tqdm()(train_dataloader) train_loss = self.train_epoch(train_dataloader, _epoch, summarywriter) if progress_bar: val_dataloader = utils.smart_tqdm()(val_dataloader) val_loss = self.val_epoch(val_dataloader, _epoch, summarywriter) report = f"[{self.__class__.__name__} epoch {_epoch}] " report += f"train={train_loss:.3f}, " report += f"val={val_loss:.3f}, " report += f"time elapsed={time.time() - start_time:.1f}s" if any([_epoch < _rmbatch.delay for _rmbatch in self.rmbatch_modules]): if _epoch % 10 == 0: report += " Regular save..." self.save_weights(self.path) elif val_loss < best_loss + tolerance: report += " Best save..." self.save_weights(self.path) best_loss = val_loss patience_remain = patience else: patience_remain -= 1 print(report) if patience_remain < 0: break print("Restoring best model...") self.load_weights(self.path) self.save_weights(self.path) def train_epoch(self, train_dataloader, epoch, summarywriter): self.train() loss_record = {} self.latent_module.init_loss_record(loss_record) self.prob_module.init_loss_record(loss_record) for _rmbatch in self.rmbatch_modules: _rmbatch.init_loss_record(loss_record) loss_record["early_stop_loss"] = 0 loss_record["total_loss"] = 0 datasize = 0 for feed_dict in train_dataloader: for key, value in feed_dict.items(): feed_dict[key] = exprs = feed_dict["exprs"] libs = feed_dict["library_size"] datasize += libs.shape[0] x = self.preprocess(exprs, libs, self.denoising) l, l_components = self.latent_module(x) latent_d_loss = self.latent_module.d_loss( l_components, feed_dict, loss_record ) self.opt_latent_reg.zero_grad() latent_d_loss.backward() self.opt_latent_reg.step() l = l.detach() for _rmbatch, _opt in zip(self.rmbatch_modules, self.opts_rmbatch): if epoch >= _rmbatch.delay: mask = _rmbatch.get_mask(l, feed_dict) if mask.sum() > 0: for _ in range(_rmbatch.n_steps): pred = _rmbatch(l, mask) rmbatch_d_loss = _rmbatch.d_loss( pred, feed_dict, mask, loss_record ) if not _opt is None: _opt.zero_grad() rmbatch_d_loss.backward() _opt.step() x = self.preprocess(exprs, libs, self.denoising) l, l_components = self.latent_module(x) latent_g_loss = self.latent_module.g_loss( l_components, feed_dict, loss_record ) full_l = [l] for _rmbatch in self.rmbatch_modules: full_l.append(feed_dict[]) d_components = self.prob_module(full_l, feed_dict) prob_loss = self.prob_module.loss(d_components, feed_dict, loss_record) loss = prob_loss + latent_g_loss for _rmbatch in self.rmbatch_modules: if epoch >= _rmbatch.delay: mask = _rmbatch.get_mask(l, feed_dict) if mask.sum() > 0: pred = _rmbatch(l, mask) rmbatch_g_loss = _rmbatch.g_loss( pred, feed_dict, mask, loss_record ) loss = loss + rmbatch_g_loss self.opt_latent_fit.zero_grad() self.opt_prob.zero_grad() loss.backward() self.opt_latent_fit.step() self.opt_prob.step() loss_record["early_stop_loss"] += prob_loss.item() * x.shape[0] loss_record["total_loss"] += loss.item() * x.shape[0] for key, value in loss_record.items(): summarywriter.add_scalar(key + ":0 (train)", value / datasize, epoch) return loss_record["early_stop_loss"] / datasize def val_epoch(self, val_dataloader, epoch, summarywriter): self.eval() loss_record = {} self.latent_module.init_loss_record(loss_record) self.prob_module.init_loss_record(loss_record) for _rmbatch in self.rmbatch_modules: _rmbatch.init_loss_record(loss_record) loss_record["early_stop_loss"] = 0 loss_record["total_loss"] = 0 datasize = 0 for feed_dict in val_dataloader: for key, value in feed_dict.items(): feed_dict[key] = exprs = feed_dict["exprs"] libs = feed_dict["library_size"] datasize += libs.shape[0] with torch.no_grad(): x = self.preprocess(exprs, libs, self.denoising) l, l_components = self.latent_module(x) _ = self.latent_module.d_loss(l_components, feed_dict, loss_record) for _rmbatch in self.rmbatch_modules: if epoch >= _rmbatch.delay: mask = _rmbatch.get_mask(l, feed_dict) if mask.sum() > 0: for _ in range(_rmbatch.n_steps): pred = _rmbatch(l, mask) _ = _rmbatch.d_loss(pred, feed_dict, mask, loss_record) x = self.preprocess(exprs, libs, self.denoising) l, l_components = self.latent_module(x) latent_g_loss = self.latent_module.g_loss( l_components, feed_dict, loss_record ) full_l = [l] for _rmbatch in self.rmbatch_modules: full_l.append(feed_dict[]) d_components = self.prob_module(full_l, feed_dict) prob_loss = self.prob_module.loss(d_components, feed_dict, loss_record) loss = prob_loss + latent_g_loss for _rmbatch in self.rmbatch_modules: if epoch >= _rmbatch.delay: mask = _rmbatch.get_mask(l, feed_dict) if mask.sum() > 0: pred = _rmbatch(l, mask) rmbatch_g_loss = _rmbatch.g_loss( pred, feed_dict, mask, loss_record ) loss = loss + rmbatch_g_loss loss_record["early_stop_loss"] += prob_loss.item() * x.shape[0] loss_record["total_loss"] += loss.item() * x.shape[0] for key, value in loss_record.items(): summarywriter.add_scalar(key + ":0 (val)", value / datasize, epoch) return loss_record["early_stop_loss"] / datasize def save_weights(self, path: str, checkpoint: str = ""): os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True), os.path.join(path, checkpoint)) def load_weights(self, path: str, checkpoint: str = ""): assert os.path.exists(path) self.load_state_dict(torch.load(os.path.join(path, checkpoint), map_location=DEVICE)) @classmethod def load_config(cls, configuration: typing.Mapping): _class = configuration["latent_module"]["_class"] latent_module = getattr(latent, _class)(**configuration["latent_module"]) _class = configuration["prob_module"]["_class"] prob_module = getattr(prob, _class)(**configuration["prob_module"]) rmbatch_modules = nn.ModuleList() for _conf in configuration["rmbatch_modules"]: _class = _conf["_class"] rmbatch_modules.append(getattr(rmbatch, _class)(**_conf)) configuration["latent_module"] = latent_module configuration["prob_module"] = prob_module configuration["rmbatch_modules"] = rmbatch_modules model = cls(**configuration) return model
[docs] def save( self, path: typing.Optional[str] = None, config: str = "", weights: str = "", ): r""" Save model to files Parameters ---------- path Path to a directory where the model will be saved config Name of the configuration file weights Name of the weights file """ if path is None: os.makedirs(self.path, exist_ok=True), os.path.join(self.path, config)), os.path.join(self.path, weights)) else: os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) configuration = self.get_config() configuration["path"] = path, os.path.join(path, config)), os.path.join(path, weights))
[docs] @classmethod def load( cls, path: str, config: str = "", weights: str = "", _mode: int = _TRAIN, ) -> None: r""" Load model from files Parameters ---------- path Path to a model directory to load from config Name of the configuration file weights Name of the weights file """ assert os.path.exists(path) configuration = torch.load(os.path.join(path, config)) if configuration["_mode"] == _TEST and _mode == _TRAIN: raise RuntimeError( "The model was minimal, please use argument '_mode=Cell_BLAST.blast.MINIMAL'" ) model = cls.load_config(configuration) model.load_state_dict(torch.load(os.path.join(path, weights), map_location=DEVICE), strict=False) return model
[docs] def inference( self, adata: ad.AnnData, batch_size: int = 4096, n_posterior: int = 0, progress_bar: bool = False, priority: str = "auto", random_seed: typing.Optional[int] = config._USE_GLOBAL, ) -> np.ndarray: r""" Project expression profiles into the cell embedding space. Parameters ---------- adata Dataset for which to compute cell embeddings. batch_size Minibatch size. Changing this may slighly affect speed, but not the result. n_posterior How many posterior samples to fetch. If set to 0, the posterior point estimate is computed. If greater than 0, produces ``n_posterior`` number of posterior samples for each cell. progress_bar Whether to show progress bar duing projection. priority Should be among {"auto", "speed", "memory"}. Controls which one of speed or memory should be prioritized, by default "auto", meaning that data with more than 100,000 cells will use "memory" mode and smaller data will use "speed" mode. random_seed Random seed used with noisy projection. If not specified, :data:`config.RANDOM_SEED` will be used, which defaults to 0. Returns ------- latent Coordinates in the latent space. If ``n_posterior`` is 0, will be in shape :math:`cell \times latent\_dim`. If ``n_posterior`` is greater than 0, will be in shape :math:`cell \times noisy \times latent\_dim`. """ self.eval() random_seed = ( config.RANDOM_SEED if random_seed is None or random_seed == config._USE_GLOBAL else random_seed ) x = data.select_vars(adata, self.genes).X if "__libsize__" not in adata.obs.columns: data.compute_libsize(adata) l = adata.obs["__libsize__"].to_numpy().reshape((-1, 1)) if n_posterior > 0: if priority == "auto": priority = "memory" if x.shape[0] > 1e4 else "speed" if priority == "speed": if scipy.sparse.issparse(x): xrep = x.tocsr()[np.repeat(np.arange(x.shape[0]), n_posterior)] else: xrep = np.repeat(x, n_posterior, axis=0) lrep = np.repeat(l, n_posterior, axis=0) data_dict = OrderedDict(exprs=xrep, library_size=lrep) return ( self._fetch_latent( data.Dataset(data_dict), batch_size, True, progress_bar, random_seed, ) .astype(np.float32) .reshape((x.shape[0], n_posterior, -1)) ) else: # priority == "memory": data_dict = OrderedDict(exprs=x, library_size=l) return np.stack( [ self._fetch_latent( data.Dataset(data_dict), batch_size, True, progress_bar, (random_seed + i) if random_seed is not None else None, ).astype(np.float32) for i in range(n_posterior) ], axis=1, ) data_dict = OrderedDict(exprs=x, library_size=l) return self._fetch_latent( data.Dataset(data_dict), batch_size, False, progress_bar, random_seed ).astype(np.float32)
[docs] def clustering( self, adata: ad.AnnData, batch_size: int = 4096, return_confidence: bool = False, progress_bar: bool = False, ) -> typing.Tuple[np.ndarray]: r""" Get model intrinsic clustering of the data. Parameters ---------- adata Dataset for which to obtain the intrinsic clustering. batch_size Minibatch size. Changing this may slighly affect speed, but not the result. return_confidence Whether to return model intrinsic clustering confidence. progress_bar Whether to show progress bar during projection. Returns ------- idx model intrinsic clustering index, 1 dimensional confidence (if ``return_confidence`` is True) model intrinsic clustering confidence, 1 dimensional """ self.eval() if not isinstance(self.latent_module, latent.CatGau): raise Exception("Model has no intrinsic clustering") x = data.select_vars(adata, self.genes).X if "__libsize__" not in adata.obs.columns: data.compute_libsize(adata) l = adata.obs["__libsize__"].to_numpy().reshape((-1, 1)) data_dict = OrderedDict(exprs=x, library_size=l) cat = self._fetch_cat( data.Dataset(data_dict), batch_size, False, progress_bar ).astype(np.float32) if return_confidence: return cat.argmax(axis=1), cat.max(axis=1) return cat.argmax(axis=1)
[docs] def gene_grad( self, adata: ad.AnnData, latent_grad: np.ndarray, batch_size: int = 4096, progress_bar: bool = False, ) -> np.ndarray: r""" Fetch gene space gradients with regard to latent space gradients Parameters ---------- dataset Dataset for which to obtain gene gradients. latent_grad Latent space gradients. batch_size Minibatch size. Changing this may slighly affect speed, but not the result. progress_bar Whether to show progress bar during projection. Returns ------- grad Fetched gene-wise gradient """ self.eval() x = data.select_vars(adata, self.genes).X if "__libsize__" not in adata.obs.columns: data.compute_libsize(adata) l = adata.obs["__libsize__"].to_numpy().reshape((-1, 1)) data_dict = OrderedDict(exprs=x, library_size=l, output_grad=latent_grad) return self._fetch_grad( data.Dataset(data_dict), batch_size=batch_size, progress_bar=progress_bar )
def _fetch_latent( self, dataset: data.Dataset, batch_size: int, noisy: bool, progress_bar: bool, random_seed: int, ) -> np.ndarray: self.ensure_reproducibility(random_seed) dataloader = dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False ) if progress_bar: dataloader = utils.smart_tqdm()(dataloader) with torch.no_grad(): latents = [] for feed_dict in dataloader: for key, value in feed_dict.items(): feed_dict[key] = exprs = feed_dict["exprs"] libs = feed_dict["library_size"] latents.append( self.latent_module.fetch_latent(self.preprocess(exprs, libs, noisy)) ) return def _fetch_cat( self, dataset: data.Dataset, batch_size: int, noisy: bool, progress_bar: bool ) -> typing.Tuple[np.ndarray]: self.ensure_reproducibility(self.random_seed) dataloader = dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False ) if progress_bar: dataloader = utils.smart_tqdm()(dataloader) with torch.no_grad(): cats = [] for feed_dict in dataloader: for key, value in feed_dict.items(): feed_dict[key] = exprs = feed_dict["exprs"] libs = feed_dict["library_size"] cats.append( self.latent_module.fetch_cat(self.preprocess(exprs, libs, noisy)) ) return def _fetch_grad( self, dataset: data.Dataset, batch_size: int, progress_bar: bool ) -> np.ndarray: self.ensure_reproducibility(self.random_seed) dataloader = dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False ) if progress_bar: dataloader = utils.smart_tqdm()(dataloader) grads = [] for feed_dict in dataloader: for key, value in feed_dict.items(): feed_dict[key] = exprs = feed_dict["exprs"] libs = feed_dict["library_size"] latent_grad = feed_dict["output_grad"] grads.append( self.latent_module.fetch_grad( self.preprocess(exprs, libs, self.denoising), latent_grad ) ) return
[docs]def fit_DIRECTi( adata: ad.AnnData, genes: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None, supervision: typing.Optional[str] = None, batch_effect: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None, latent_dim: int = 10, cat_dim: typing.Optional[int] = None, h_dim: int = 128, depth: int = 1, prob_module: str = "NB", rmbatch_module: typing.Union[str, typing.List[str]] = "Adversarial", latent_module_kwargs: typing.Optional[typing.Mapping] = None, prob_module_kwargs: typing.Optional[typing.Mapping] = None, rmbatch_module_kwargs: typing.Optional[ typing.Union[typing.Mapping, typing.List[typing.Mapping]] ] = None, optimizer: str = "RMSPropOptimizer", learning_rate: float = 1e-3, batch_size: int = 128, val_split: float = 0.1, epoch: int = 1000, patience: int = 30, progress_bar: bool = False, reuse_weights: typing.Optional[str] = None, random_seed: int = config._USE_GLOBAL, path: typing.Optional[str] = None, ) -> DIRECTi: r""" A convenient one-step function to build and fit DIRECTi models. Should work well in most cases. Parameters ---------- adata Dataset to be fitted. genes Genes to fit on, should be a subset of :attr:`anndata.AnnData.var_names`. If not specified, all genes are used. supervision Specifies a column in the :attr:`anndata.AnnData.obs` table for use as (semi-)supervision. If value in the specified column is emtpy, the corresponding cells will be treated as unsupervised. batch_effect Specifies one or more columns in the :attr:`anndata.AnnData.obs` table for use as batch effect to be corrected. latent_dim Latent space (cell embedding) dimensionality. cat_dim Number of intrinsic clusters. h_dim Hidden layer dimensionality. It is used consistently across all MLPs in the model. depth Hidden layer depth. It is used consistently across all MLPs in the model. prob_module Generative model to fit, should be among {"NB", "ZINB", "LN", "ZILN"}. See the :mod:`prob` for details. rmbatch_module Batch effect correction method. If a list is provided, each element specifies the method to use for a corresponding batch effect in ``batch_effect`` list (in this case the ``rmbatch_module`` list should have the same length as the ``batch_effect`` list). latent_module_kwargs Keyword arguments to be passed to the latent module. prob_module_kwargs Keyword arguments to be passed to the prob module. rmbatch_module_kwargs Keyword arguments to be passed to the rmbatch module. If a list is provided, each element specifies keyword arguments for a corresponding batch effect correction module in the ``rmbatch_module`` list. optimizer Name of optimizer used in training. learning_rate Learning rate used in training. batch_size Size of minibatch used in training. val_split Fraction of data to use for validation. epoch Maximal training epochs. patience Early stop patience. Model training stops when best validation loss does not decrease for a consecutive ``patience`` epochs. progress_bar Whether to show progress bars during training. reuse_weights Specifies a path where previously stored model weights can be reused. random_seed Random seed. If not specified, :data:`config.RANDOM_SEED` will be used, which defaults to 0. path Specifies a path where model checkpoints as well as the final model will be saved. Returns ------- model A fitted DIRECTi model. Examples -------- See the DIRECTi ipython notebook (:ref:`vignettes`) for live examples. """ random_seed = ( config.RANDOM_SEED if random_seed is None or random_seed == config._USE_GLOBAL else random_seed ) DIRECTi.ensure_reproducibility(random_seed) if latent_module_kwargs is None: latent_module_kwargs = {} if prob_module_kwargs is None: prob_module_kwargs = {} if rmbatch_module_kwargs is None: rmbatch_module_kwargs = {} if genes is None: genes = adata.var_names.values if isinstance(genes, (pd.Series, pd.Index)): genes = genes.to_numpy() if isinstance(genes, np.ndarray): genes = genes.tolist() assert isinstance(genes, list) if "__libsize__" not in adata.obs.columns: data.compute_libsize(adata) data_dict = OrderedDict( library_size=adata.obs["__libsize__"].to_numpy().reshape((-1, 1)), exprs=data.select_vars(adata, genes).X, ) if batch_effect is None: batch_effect = [] elif isinstance(batch_effect, str): batch_effect = [batch_effect] elif isinstance(batch_effect, pd.Series): batch_effect = batch_effect.values elif isinstance(batch_effect, np.ndarray): batch_effect = batch_effect.tolist() assert isinstance(batch_effect, list) for _batch_effect in batch_effect: data_dict[_batch_effect] = utils.encode_onehot( adata.obs[_batch_effect], sort=True ) # sorting ensures batch order reproducibility for later tuning if supervision is not None: data_dict[supervision] = utils.encode_onehot( adata.obs[supervision], sort=True ) # sorting ensures supervision order reproducibility for later tuning if cat_dim is None: cat_dim = data_dict[supervision].shape[1] elif cat_dim > data_dict[supervision].shape[1]: data_dict[supervision] = scipy.sparse.hstack( [ data_dict[supervision].tocsc(), scipy.sparse.csc_matrix( ( data_dict[supervision].shape[0], cat_dim - data_dict[supervision].shape[1], ) ), ] ).tocsr() elif cat_dim < data_dict[supervision].shape[1]: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError( "`cat_dim` must be greater than or equal to " "number of supervised classes!" ) # else == kwargs = dict(input_dim=len(genes), latent_dim=latent_dim, h_dim=h_dim, depth=depth) if cat_dim: kwargs.update(dict(cat_dim=cat_dim)) if supervision: kwargs.update(dict(name=supervision)) kwargs.update(latent_module_kwargs) latent_module = latent.SemiSupervisedCatGau(**kwargs) else: kwargs.update(latent_module_kwargs) latent_module = latent.CatGau(**kwargs) else: kwargs.update(latent_module_kwargs) latent_module = latent.Gau(**kwargs) if not isinstance(rmbatch_module, list): rmbatch_module = [rmbatch_module] * len(batch_effect) if not isinstance(rmbatch_module_kwargs, list): rmbatch_module_kwargs = [rmbatch_module_kwargs] * len(batch_effect) assert len(rmbatch_module_kwargs) == len(rmbatch_module) == len(batch_effect) rmbatch_list = nn.ModuleList() full_latent_dim = [latent_dim] for _batch_effect, _rmbatch_module, _rmbatch_module_kwargs in zip( batch_effect, rmbatch_module, rmbatch_module_kwargs ): batch_dim = len(adata.obs[_batch_effect].dropna().unique()) full_latent_dim.append(batch_dim) kwargs = dict(batch_dim=batch_dim, latent_dim=latent_dim, name=_batch_effect) if _rmbatch_module in ( "Adversarial", "MNNAdversarial", "AdaptiveMNNAdversarial", ): kwargs.update(dict(h_dim=h_dim, depth=depth)) kwargs.update(_rmbatch_module_kwargs) elif _rmbatch_module not in ("RMBatch", "MNN"): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("Invalid rmbatch method!") # else "RMBatch" or "MNN" kwargs.update(_rmbatch_module_kwargs) rmbatch_list.append(getattr(rmbatch, _rmbatch_module)(**kwargs)) kwargs = dict( output_dim=len(genes), full_latent_dim=full_latent_dim, h_dim=h_dim, depth=depth ) kwargs.update(prob_module_kwargs) prob_module = getattr(prob, prob_module)(**kwargs) model = DIRECTi( genes=genes, latent_module=latent_module, prob_module=prob_module, rmbatch_modules=rmbatch_list, learning_rate=learning_rate, path=path, random_seed=random_seed, ) if not reuse_weights is None: model.load_state_dict(torch.load(reuse_weights, map_location=DEVICE)) if optimizer != "RMSPropOptimizer": utils.logger.warning("Argument `optimizer` is no longer supported!") dataset=data.Dataset(data_dict), batch_size=batch_size, val_split=val_split, epoch=epoch, patience=patience, progress_bar=progress_bar, ) return model
[docs]def align_DIRECTi( model: DIRECTi, original_adata: ad.AnnData, new_adata: typing.Union[ad.AnnData, typing.Mapping[str, ad.AnnData]], rmbatch_module: str = "MNNAdversarial", rmbatch_module_kwargs: typing.Optional[typing.Mapping] = None, deviation_reg: float = 0.01, optimizer: str = "RMSPropOptimizer", learning_rate: float = 1e-3, batch_size: int = 256, val_split: float = 0.1, epoch: int = 100, patience: int = 100, tolerance: float = 0.0, reuse_weights: bool = True, progress_bar: bool = False, random_seed: int = config._USE_GLOBAL, path: typing.Optional[str] = None, ) -> DIRECTi: r""" Align datasets starting with an existing DIRECTi model (fine-tuning) Parameters ---------- model A pretrained DIRECTi model. original_adata The dataset that the model was originally trained on. new_adata A new dataset or a dictionary containing new datasets, to be aligned with ``original_dataset``. rmbatch_module Specifies the batch effect correction method to use for aligning new datasets. rmbatch_module_kwargs Keyword arguments to be passed to the rmbatch module. deviation_reg Regularization strength for the deviation from original model weights. optimizer Name of optimizer used in training. learning_rate Learning rate used in training. batch_size Size of minibatches used in training. val_split Fraction of data to use for validation. epoch Maximal training epochs. patience Early stop patience. Model training stops when best validation loss does not decrease for a consecutive ``patience`` epochs. tolerance Tolerance of deviation from the lowest validation loss recorded for the "patience countdown" to be reset. The "patience countdown" is reset if current validation loss < lowest validation loss recorded + ``tolerance``. reuse_weights Whether to reuse weights of the original model. progress_bar Whether to show progress bar during training. random_seed Random seed. If not specified, :data:`config.RANDOM_SEED` will be used, which defaults to 0. path Specifies a path where model checkpoints as well as the final model is saved. Returns ------- aligned_model Aligned model. """ random_seed = ( config.RANDOM_SEED if random_seed == config._USE_GLOBAL else random_seed ) DIRECTi.ensure_reproducibility(random_seed) if rmbatch_module_kwargs is None: rmbatch_module_kwargs = {} if rmbatch_module_kwargs is None: rmbatch_module_kwargs = {} if isinstance(new_adata, ad.AnnData): new_adatas = {"__new__": new_adata} elif isinstance(new_adata, dict): assert ( "__original__" not in new_adata ), "Key `__original__` is now allowed in new datasets." new_adatas = new_adata.copy() # shallow else: raise TypeError("Invalid type for argument `new_dataset`.") _config = model.get_config() for _rmbatch_module in _config["rmbatch_modules"]: _rmbatch_module["delay"] = 0 kwargs = { "batch_dim": len(new_adatas) + 1, "latent_dim": model.latent_module.latent_dim, "delay": 0, "name": "__align__", "_class": rmbatch_module, } if rmbatch_module in ("Adversarial", "MNNAdversarial", "AdaptiveMNNAdversarial"): kwargs.update( dict( h_dim=model.latent_module.h_dim, depth=model.latent_module.depth, dropout=model.latent_module.dropout, lambda_reg=0.01, ) ) elif rmbatch_module not in ("RMBatch", "MNN"): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("Unknown rmbatch_module!") # else "RMBatch" or "MNN" kwargs.update(rmbatch_module_kwargs) _config["rmbatch_modules"].append(kwargs) _config["prob_module"]["full_latent_dim"].append(len(new_adatas) + 1) _config["prob_module"]["fine_tune"] = True _config["prob_module"]["deviation_reg"] = deviation_reg _config["learning_rate"] = learning_rate _config["path"] = path aligned_model = DIRECTi.load_config(_config) if reuse_weights: aligned_model.load_state_dict(model.state_dict(), strict=False) supervision = ( if isinstance(aligned_model.latent_module, latent.SemiSupervisedCatGau) else None ) assert ( "__align__" not in original_adata.obs.columns ), "Please remove column `__align__` from obs of the original dataset." original_adata = ad.AnnData( X=original_adata.X, obs=original_adata.obs.copy(deep=False), var=original_adata.var.copy(deep=False), ) if "__libsize__" not in original_adata.obs.columns: data.compute_libsize(original_adata) original_adata = data.select_vars(original_adata, model.genes) for key in new_adatas.keys(): assert ( "__align__" not in new_adatas[key].obs.columns ), f"Please remove column `__align__` from new dataset {key}." new_adatas[key] = ad.AnnData( X=new_adatas[key].X, obs=new_adatas[key].obs.copy(deep=False), var=new_adatas[key].var.copy(deep=False), ) new_adatas[key].obs = new_adatas[key].obs.loc[ :, new_adatas[key].obs.columns == "__libsize__" ] # All meta in new datasets are cleared to avoid interference if "__libsize__" not in new_adatas[key].obs.columns: data.compute_libsize(new_adatas[key]) new_adatas[key] = data.select_vars(new_adatas[key], model.genes) adatas = {"__original__": original_adata, **new_adatas} for key, val in adatas.items(): val.obs["__align__"] = key adata = ad.concat(adatas, join="outer", fill_value=0) data_dict = OrderedDict( library_size=adata.obs["__libsize__"].to_numpy().reshape((-1, 1)), exprs=data.select_vars(adata, model.genes).X, # Ensure order ) for rmbatch_module in aligned_model.rmbatch_modules: data_dict[] = utils.encode_onehot( adata.obs[], sort=True ) if isinstance(aligned_model.latent_module, latent.SemiSupervisedCatGau): data_dict[supervision] = utils.encode_onehot(adata.obs[supervision], sort=True) cat_dim = aligned_model.latent_module.cat_dim if cat_dim > data_dict[supervision].shape[1]: data_dict[supervision] = scipy.sparse.hstack( [ data_dict[supervision].tocsc(), scipy.sparse.csc_matrix( ( data_dict[supervision].shape[0], cat_dim - data_dict[supervision].shape[1], ) ), ] ).tocsr() if optimizer != "RMSPropOptimizer": utils.logger.warning("Argument `optimizer` is not supported!") dataset=data.Dataset(data_dict), batch_size=batch_size, val_split=val_split, epoch=epoch, patience=patience, tolerance=tolerance, progress_bar=progress_bar, ) return aligned_model