Source code for

Dataset utilities

import os
import typing
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict

import anndata as ad
import h5py
import matplotlib.axes
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.sparse
import scipy.stats
import seaborn as sns
import sklearn.metrics
import torch

from . import config, utils

[docs]def compute_libsize(adata: ad.AnnData) -> None: r""" Compute library size Parameters ---------- adata Input dataset. """ if scipy.sparse.issparse(adata.X): adata.obs["__libsize__"] = adata.X.sum(axis=1).A1 else: adata.obs["__libsize__"] = adata.X.sum(axis=1)
[docs]def normalize(adata: ad.AnnData, target: float = 10000.0) -> None: r""" Obs-wise normalization of expression matrix. Parameters ---------- adata Input dataset. target Target value of normalization. """ if "__libsize__" not in adata.obs.columns: compute_libsize(adata) normalizer = target / np.expand_dims(adata.obs["__libsize__"].to_numpy(), axis=1) adata.X = ( adata.X.multiply(normalizer).tocsr() if scipy.sparse.issparse(adata.X) else adata.X * normalizer )
[docs]def find_variable_genes( adata: ad.AnnData, slot: str = "variable_genes", x_low_cutoff: float = 0.1, x_high_cutoff: float = 8.0, y_low_cutoff: float = 1.0, y_high_cutoff: float = np.inf, num_bin: int = 20, binning_method: str = "equal_frequency", grouping: typing.Optional[str] = None, min_group_frac: float = 0.5, ) -> typing.Union[matplotlib.axes.Axes, typing.Mapping[str, matplotlib.axes.Axes]]: r""" A reimplementation of the Seurat v2 "mean.var.plot" gene selection method in the "FindVariableGenes" function, with the extended ability of selecting variable genes within specified groups of cells and then combine results of individual groups. This is useful to minimize batch effect during feature selection. Parameters ---------- adata Input dataset slot Slot in `var` to store the variable genes x_low_cutoff Minimal log mean cutoff x_high_cutoff Maximal log mean cutoff y_low_cutoff Minimal log VMR cutoff y_high_cutoff Maximal log VMR cutoff num_bin Number of bins based on mean expression. binning_method How binning should be done based on mean expression. Available choices include {"equal_width", "equal_frequency"}. grouping Specify a column in the ``obs`` table that splits cells into several groups. Gene selection is performed in each group separately and results are combined afterwards. min_group_frac The minimal fraction of groups in which a gene must be selected for it to be kept in the final result. Returns ------- ax VMR plot (a dict of plots if grouping is specified) """ if grouping is not None: ax_dict = {} selected_list = [] groups = np.unique(adata.obs[grouping]) for group in groups: tmp_adata = adata[adata.obs[grouping] == group, :].copy() ax_dict[group] = find_variable_genes( tmp_adata, slot=slot, x_low_cutoff=x_low_cutoff, x_high_cutoff=x_high_cutoff, y_low_cutoff=y_low_cutoff, y_high_cutoff=y_high_cutoff, num_bin=num_bin, binning_method=binning_method, ) selected_list.append(tmp_adata.var[slot].to_numpy().ravel()) selected_count = np.stack(selected_list, axis=1).sum(axis=1) adata.var[slot] = False adata.var[slot].loc[selected_count >= min_group_frac * groups.size] = True return ax_dict X_backup = adata.X normalize(adata) X = adata.X mean = np.asarray(np.mean(X, axis=0)).ravel() var = np.asarray( np.mean(X.power(2) if scipy.sparse.issparse(X) else np.square(X), axis=0) ).ravel() - np.square(mean) log_mean = np.log1p(mean) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) log_vmr = np.log(var / mean) log_vmr[np.isnan(log_vmr)] = 0 if binning_method == "equal_width": log_mean_bin = pd.cut(log_mean, num_bin) elif binning_method == "equal_frequency": log_mean_bin = pd.cut( log_mean, [-1] + np.percentile( log_mean[log_mean > 0], np.linspace(0, 100, num_bin) ).tolist(), ) else: raise ValueError("Invalid binning method!") summary_df = pd.DataFrame( {"log_mean": log_mean, "log_vmr": log_vmr, "log_mean_bin": log_mean_bin}, index=adata.var_names, ) summary_df["log_vmr_scaled"] = ( summary_df.loc[:, ["log_vmr", "log_mean_bin"]] .groupby("log_mean_bin") .transform(lambda x: (x - x.mean()) / x.std()) ) summary_df["log_vmr_scaled"].fillna(0, inplace=True) selected = summary_df.query( f"log_mean > {x_low_cutoff} & log_mean < {x_high_cutoff} & " f"log_vmr_scaled > {y_low_cutoff} & log_vmr_scaled < {y_high_cutoff}" ) summary_df["selected"] = np.in1d(summary_df.index, selected.index) adata.var[slot] = False adata.var[slot].loc[selected.index] = True adata.X = X_backup _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 7)) ax = sns.scatterplot( x="log_mean", y="log_vmr_scaled", hue="selected", data=summary_df, edgecolor=None, s=5, ax=ax, ) for _, row in selected.iterrows(): ax.text( row["log_mean"], row["log_vmr_scaled"],, size="x-small", ha="center", va="center", ) ax.set_xlabel("Average expression") ax.set_ylabel("Dispersion") return ax
def _expanded_subset( mat: typing.Union[scipy.sparse.spmatrix, np.ndarray], idx: np.ndarray, axis: int = 0, fill: typing.Any = 0, ) -> typing.Union[scipy.sparse.spmatrix, np.ndarray]: assert axis in (0, 1) expand_size = max(idx.max() - mat.shape[axis] + 1, 0) if axis == 0: if scipy.sparse.issparse(mat): expand_mat = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix( (expand_size, mat.shape[1]), dtype=mat.dtype ) if fill != 0: expand_mat[:] = fill expand_mat = scipy.sparse.vstack([mat.tocsr(), expand_mat.tocsr()]) else: expand_mat = np.empty((expand_size, mat.shape[1]), dtype=mat.dtype) expand_mat[:] = fill expand_mat = np.concatenate([mat, expand_mat], axis=0) result_mat = expand_mat[idx, :] else: if scipy.sparse.issparse(mat): expand_mat = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix( (mat.shape[0], expand_size), dtype=mat.dtype ) if fill != 0: expand_mat[:] = fill expand_mat = scipy.sparse.hstack([mat.tocsc(), expand_mat.tocsc()]) else: expand_mat = np.empty((mat.shape[0], expand_size), dtype=mat.dtype) expand_mat[:] = fill expand_mat = np.concatenate([mat, expand_mat], axis=1) result_mat = expand_mat[:, idx] if scipy.sparse.issparse(result_mat): result_mat = result_mat.tocsr() return result_mat
[docs]def select_vars(adata: ad.AnnData, var_names: typing.List[str]) -> ad.AnnData: r""" Select variables with special support for variables inexistent in the input (in which case the inexistent variables will be filled with zeros). Note that "raw", "varm" and "layers" will be discarded. Parameters ---------- adata Input dataset. var_names Variables to select. Returns ------- selected Dataset with selected variables. """ if adata.var_names.duplicated().any(): raise ValueError("Variable names are not unique!") new_var_names = np.setdiff1d(np.unique(var_names), adata.var_names) all_var_names = np.concatenate([adata.var_names.to_numpy(), new_var_names]) if new_var_names.size > 0: # pragma: no cover utils.logger.warning( "%d out of %d variables are not found, will be set to zero!", len(new_var_names), len(var_names), )"[]")) idx = np.vectorize(lambda x: np.where(all_var_names == x)[0][0])(var_names) new_X = _expanded_subset(adata.X, idx, axis=1, fill=0) new_var = adata.var.reindex(var_names) return ad.AnnData( X=new_X, obs=adata.obs, var=new_var, uns=adata.uns, obsm=adata.obsm )
[docs]def map_vars( adata: ad.AnnData, mapping: pd.DataFrame, map_hvg: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None, ) -> ad.AnnData: r""" Map variables of input dataset to some other terms, e.g. gene ortholog groups, or orthologous genes in another species. Note that "raw", "varm" and "layers" will be discarded. Parameters ---------- adata Input dataset. mapping A 2-column data frame defining variable name mapping. First column is source variable name and second column is target variable name. map_hvg Specify `var` slots containing highly variable genes that should also be mapped. Returns ------- mapped Mapped dataset. """ # Convert to mapping matrix if adata.var_names.duplicated().any(): raise ValueError("Variable names are not unique!") source = adata.var_names mapping = mapping.loc[np.in1d(mapping.iloc[:, 0], source), :] target = np.unique(mapping.iloc[:, 1]) source_idx_map = {val: i for i, val in enumerate(source)} target_idx_map = {val: i for i, val in enumerate(target)} source_idx = [source_idx_map[val] for val in mapping.iloc[:, 0]] target_idx = [target_idx_map[val] for val in mapping.iloc[:, 1]] mapping = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix( (np.repeat(1, mapping.shape[0]), (source_idx, target_idx)), shape=(source.size, target.size), ) # Sanity check amb_src_mask = np.asarray(mapping.sum(axis=1)).squeeze() > 1 amb_tgt_mask = np.asarray(mapping.sum(axis=0)).squeeze() > 1 if amb_src_mask.sum() > 0: # pragma: no cover utils.logger.warning("%d ambiguous source items found!", amb_src_mask.sum())[amb_src_mask].tolist())) if amb_tgt_mask.sum() > 0: # pragma: no cover utils.logger.warning("%d ambiguous target items found!", amb_tgt_mask.sum())[amb_tgt_mask].tolist())) # Compute new expression matrix new_X = adata.X @ mapping if scipy.sparse.issparse(new_X): new_X = new_X.tocsr() # Update var accordingly if map_hvg: new_var = adata.var.loc[:, map_hvg].to_numpy().astype(int).T new_var = (new_var @ mapping).T.astype(bool) new_var = pd.DataFrame(new_var, columns=map_hvg, index=target) else: new_var = pd.DataFrame(index=target) return ad.AnnData( X=new_X, obs=adata.obs, var=new_var, uns=adata.uns, obsm=adata.obsm )
[docs]def annotation_confidence( adata: ad.AnnData, annotation: typing.Union[str, typing.List[str]], used_vars: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None, metric: str = "cosine", return_group_percentile: bool = True, ) -> typing.Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: r""" Compute annotation confidence of each obs (cell) based on sample silhouette score. Parameters ---------- adata Input dataset annotation Specifies annotation for which confidence will be computed. If passed an array-like, it should be 1 dimensional with length equal to obs number, and will be used directly as annotation. If passed a string, it should be a column name in ``obs``. used_vars Specifies the variables used to evaluate ``metric``, If not specified, all variables are used. metric Specifies distance metric used to compute sample silhouette scores. See :func:`sklearn.metrics.silhouette_samples` for available options. return_group_percentile Whether to return within group confidence percentile, instead of raw sample silhouette score. Returns ------- confidence 1 dimensional numpy array containing annotation confidence for each obs. group_percentile 1 dimensional numpy array containing within-group percentile for each obs. """ if isinstance(annotation, str): annotation = adata.obs[annotation].to_numpy() annotation = utils.encode_integer(annotation)[0] if used_vars is None: used_vars = adata.var_names X = select_vars(adata, used_vars).X X = np.log1p(X) confidence = sklearn.metrics.silhouette_samples(X, annotation, metric=metric) if return_group_percentile: normalized_confidence = np.zeros_like(confidence) for l in np.unique(annotation): mask = annotation == l normalized_confidence[mask] = ( scipy.stats.rankdata(confidence[mask]) - 1 ) / (mask.sum() - 1) return confidence, normalized_confidence return confidence
[docs]def write_table( adata: ad.AnnData, filename: str, orientation: str = "cg", **kwargs ) -> None: r""" Write the expression matrix to a plain-text file. Note that ``obs`` (cell) meta table, ``var`` (gene) meta table and data in the ``uns`` slot are discarded, only the expression matrix is written to the file. Parameters ---------- adata Input Dataset. filename Name of the file to be written. orientation Specifies whether to write in :math:`obs \times var` or :math:`obs \times var` orientation, should be among {"cg", "gc"}. kwargs Additional keyword arguments will be passed to :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.to_csv`. """ if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filename)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename)) if orientation == "cg": df = pd.DataFrame( utils.densify(adata.X), index=adata.obs_names, columns=adata.var_names ) elif orientation == "gc": df = pd.DataFrame( utils.densify(adata.X.T), index=adata.var_names, columns=adata.obs_names ) else: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("Invalid orientation!") df.to_csv(filename, **kwargs)
[docs]def read_table( filename: str, orientation: str = "cg", sparsify: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> ad.AnnData: r""" Read expression matrix from a plain-text file Parameters ---------- filename Name of the file to read from. orientation Specifies whether matrix in the file is in :math:`cell \times gene` or :math:`gene \times cell` orientation. sparsify Whether to convert the expression matrix into sparse format. kwargs Additional keyword arguments will be passed to :func:`pandas.read_csv`. Returns ------- loaded_dataset An :class:`ad.AnnData` object loaded from the file. """ df = pd.read_csv(filename, **kwargs) if orientation == "gc": df = df.T return ad.AnnData( scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(df.values) if sparsify else df.values, pd.DataFrame(index=df.index), pd.DataFrame(index=df.columns), {}, )
[docs]class Dataset( def __init__(self, data_dict: typing.OrderedDict) -> None: super().__init__() self.data_dict = data_dict for key, value in self.data_dict.items(): self.data_dict[key] = torch.tensor(utils.densify(value)).float() def __getitem__(self, idx): if isinstance(idx, (slice, np.ndarray)): return OrderedDict( [ # (item, torch.tensor(utils.densify(self.data_dict[item][idx])).float()) for item in self.data_dict (item, self.data_dict[item][idx]) for item in self.data_dict ] ) elif isinstance(idx, int): return OrderedDict( [ # (item, torch.tensor(utils.densify(self.data_dict[item][idx])).squeeze().float()) for item in self.data_dict (item, self.data_dict[item][idx]) for item in self.data_dict ] ) return self.data_dict[idx] def __len__(self): data_size = set([item.shape[0] for item in self.data_dict.values()]) if data_size: assert len(data_size) == 1 return data_size.pop() return 0
def h5_to_h5ad(inputfile: str, outputfile: str): with h5py.File(inputfile, "r") as f: obs = pd.DataFrame( dict_from_group(f["obs"]), index=utils.decode(f["obs_names"][...]) ) var = pd.DataFrame( dict_from_group(f["var"]), index=utils.decode(f["var_names"][...]) ) uns = dict_from_group(f["uns"]) exprs_handle = f["exprs"] if isinstance(exprs_handle, h5py.Group): # Sparse matrix mat = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix( ( exprs_handle["data"][...], exprs_handle["indices"][...], exprs_handle["indptr"][...], ), shape=exprs_handle["shape"][...], ) else: # Dense matrix mat = exprs_handle[...].astype(np.float32) adata = ad.AnnData(X=mat, obs=obs, var=var, uns=dict(uns)) adata.write(outputfile) def read_clean(data): assert isinstance(data, np.ndarray) if data.dtype.type is np.bytes_: data = utils.decode(data) mask = data == config._NAN_REPLACEMENT if np.any(mask): data = data.astype(object) data[mask] = np.nan if data.size == 1: data = data.flat[0] return data def dict_from_group(group): assert isinstance(group, h5py.Group) d = {} for key in group: if isinstance(group[key], h5py.Group): value = dict_from_group(group[key]) else: value = read_clean(group[key][...]) d[key] = value return d